Disclosure of material transactions with related parties in accordance with Section 111c of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)



– ISIN DE00723501 –

Disclosure of material transactions with related parties in accordance with section 111c German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz)

Wiesbaden, December 13, 2024: SGL Carbon SE (SGL Carbon), Wiesbaden, and Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes GmbH (BSCCB), Meitingen, today signed a lease agreement for the rental of buildings and spaces on the premises of SGL Carbon in Meitingen. The lease agreement provides BSCCB with the opportunity to expand its production capacities for the manufacture of carbon-ceramic brake discs at the Meitingen site.

BSCCB is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes S.p.A., Stezzano (Italy). SGL Carbon and Brembo N.V., Amsterdam (Netherlands) each hold 50% of the shares in Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes S.p.A.

SGL Carbon rents out buildings on its premises in Meitingen to the BSCCB under this agreement, with around 10,000 square meters of production and office space, as well as around 5,000 square meters of ancillary space and outdoor facilities. The agreed annual rent is approximately 1.7 million euros. The contract is considered to be appropriate overall within the meaning of Section 111a et seqq. of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) from the perspective of the company and of the shareholders who are not related parties. The lease agreement will commence on February 1, 2025 and will have a term of 25 years. The Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon has approved this contract in advance.

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Claudia Kellert
Head of Investor Relations, Communications and Corporate Sustainability

phone: +49 611 6029-106