Tomorrow's working world will be largely characterized by digital tools and digital communication. In a new type of project, the students of Class 10e at the Realschule Meitingen will be researching selected topics related to the motto "The Limits of Mankind" in the coming weeks. In addition, the focus is on learning and practicing storytelling, agile methods, and media skills by creating one-minute videos. Well-known video bloggers support the young people in the process. The idea came from the non-profit educational start-up "DigitalSchoolStory" which was founded in 2020. The SGL Carbon site in Meitingen supports the project as a sponsor as part of its existing school partnership with two Meitingen schools.
Great enthusiasm among the students
"With 'DigitalSchoolStory', the students learn in a playful and at the same time simple way in everyday school life what will be increasingly important in their professional lives in the future: They learn how to work quickly and efficiently in teams with others on new topics using the Internet; how to network digitally; and how to prepare the quintessence of their findings for digital channels. Getting feedback from well-known Internet personalities in a project like this really inspires and motivates the students," says Isabelle Schuhladen, teacher and initiator of the project at the Realschule Meitingen.
Schuhladen had introduced the project to the students this Monday. In up to 18 school hours, the class will now work on their respective project topic in small independent teams. The sponsor of the class is Bastian Kunkel aka #VersicherungenMitKopf, who will answer questions and give tips in a Q&A session. The students will then present their video projects at the end of April.
For "DigitalSchoolStory", it is one of the first projects to be carried out with direct corporate support. "We see this as a win-win situation for both sides: Schools have the opportunity to integrate 'DigitalSchoolStory' into their daily routine as a structured learning method, and companies can support the development of skills that are fundamental for everyday work, such as digital competencies and soft skills," says Nina Mülhens, co-founder and CEO of DigitalSchoolStory gUG. The social education start-up is one of the 15 winning projects in the future skills category at the hackathon "WirFürSchule 2020" and aims to enable students to have fun while learning valuable future skills for life in a permanently changing society. "DigitalSchoolStory" enables students and teachers as well as schools to systematically develop digitally, which improves the future viability of all involved.
Support innovative approach to school design
"We are very pleased to be able to support the Meitingen Realschule as well as the 'DigitalSchoolStory' initiative in this innovative approach to school design. As an important employer, our commitment to the schools in Meitingen is of particular concern to us. Technical professions in particular, many of which we have at SGL Carbon, will require more and more digital skills and more virtual project management in the future. Learning basic skills and a routine approach to digital tools in a creative way while still at school will serve the students well later on," comments Rüdiger Krieger, Site Manager at SGL Carbon in Meitingen.
The Meitingen site of SGL Carbon had already entered into a partnership agreement with the Dr.-Max-Josef-Metzger-Schule/Staatliche Realschule and the Mittelschule Meitingen in July 2021 to give students an insight into the corporate world and also promote an understanding of technical professions (MINT - mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology). Activities such as participation in career information days, the offer of student internships or further cooperation on Girls Day are planned. The partnership is also supported by the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.