Member of the Supervisory Board of SGL Carbon SE since 2018, last time elected on May 09, 2023 to 2028
Managing Shareholder (Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin) Peppermint Holding GmbH*, Berlin, Germany
* not publicly listed
Member of the following committees of the supervisory board of SGL Carbon SE:
- Audit Committee
- Personnel Committee
- Nomination Committee
Mandates in other statutory boards and memberships in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial companies:
- FUCHS PETROLUB SE, Mannheim, Germany
* not publicly listed
Other essential activities besides SB mandate:
- Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI, Federation of German Industries), Berlin, Germany (vice president and treasurer)
- Gesamtverband Textil + Mode (Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry), Berlin, Germany (president)
Tabular CV:
- Year / place of birth: 1957 in Krefeld
- Studies / Apprenticeship: studies in business administration in Münster and Munich
Professional career:
- Since 2000: in addition Investor and fond manager of two Venture Capital Fond, Berlin, Germany
- Since 1997: Founder, majority shareholder and CEO of Peppermint Group, Berlin, Germany
Peppermint is a medium-sized industrial group that manufactures sustainable and innovative textiles at seven locations in Europe
Current responsibilities: strategy, external growth / M&A, sustainability, human resources, corporate governance - 1993 - 1997: Managing Shareholder, Schröder + Partner Management KG, Berlin, Germany
- 1982 - 1993: Arthur Andersen Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, Germany, Auditor
Updated: 31.12.2024