Our Code of Conduct provides guidance
Responsible and lawful conduct is a prerequisite for all our business activities and relationships. The Code of Conduct emphasizes this obligation and reflects our shared values.
We respect human rights
SGL Carbon attaches particular importance to respect for human rights. In the SGL Carbon Code of Conduct and our Global Human Rights Policy, we have committed ourselves to upholding the principles of the UN Global Compact and to respecting and protecting human rights.
We ensure responsible conduct in the supply chain
SGL Carbon is one of the leading companies in the market. We sell our products around the world and maintain a wide variety of business contacts. We expect our business partners to be committed to lawful, ethical, and sustainable conduct in the same way that we are. In order to guarantee this, we have introduced a Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Subcontractors, the Supplier Code of Conduct. Alongside rules on conduct in terms of integrity, it includes anti-corruption measures on the supplier side and social and environmental standards. It also incorporates guidelines for dealing with conflict minerals and a binding commitment to the UN Global Compact principles. We are also committed to our obligations under the UK Modern Slavery Act.
We combat corruption and bribery
We attach great importance to our excellent relationships with customers and suppliers. That is why we demand and promote transparent and lawful processing of all of our company's transactions. We do this to create trust and to secure business relationships over the long term. Our principles for combating corruption and bribery are defined in our Code of Conduct, which applies to the entire Group, in our anti-corruption training concept, and in our Gifts and Entertainment Policy.
Our whistleblower system for reporting compliance violations
SGL Carbon promotes a corporate culture in which integrity issues can be openly addressed. Our employees are encouraged and required to report possible violations of the Code of Conduct. If they have questions or doubts, they are encouraged to seek advice. As a rule, the line manager, the Local Compliance Representative or the Compliance department is responsible. Employees can report a violation of the compliance guidelines to the aforesaid contact persons or use the confidential whistleblowing system which is also available for third parties.
Our Compliance indicators at a glance
SGL Carbon has implemented several measures and indicators for the Compliance Management System (CMS) and its elements, in order to evaluate the achievement of its Compliance objectives. Annual reporting on this is carried out as part of the CSR Report and Compliance Report.