We ensure responsible conduct in the supply chain

SGL Carbon is one of the leading companies in the market and as such committed to lawful, ethical, and sustainable conduct.

SGL Carbon is one of the leading companies in the market. We sell our products around the world and maintain a wide variety of business contacts. We expect our business partners to be committed to lawful, ethical, and sustainable conduct in the same way that we are. In order to guarantee this, we have introduced a Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Subcontractors, the Supplier Code of Conduct. Alongside rules on conduct in terms of integrity, it includes anti-corruption measures on the supplier side and social and environmental standards. It also incorporates guidelines for dealing with conflict minerals and a binding commitment to the UN Global Compact principles.

Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (English)
PDF, 57 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (German)
PDF, 65 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Spanish)
PDF, 57 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Chinese)
PDF, 239 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (French)
PDF, 59 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Italian)
PDF, 57 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Japanese)
PDF, 231 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Polish)
PDF, 139 KB
Business Partner Code of Conduct (“BP CoC”) (Portuguese)
PDF, 57 KB
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The Global Procurement department is responsible for implementing and applying the Supplier Code of Conduct, which was introduced in 2015 and is enshrined in SGL Carbon's General Purchasing Terms and Conditions. As part of the phased roll-out, the code was distributed to selected risk-relevant target groups based on their share of the annual purchasing volume. We also ask new suppliers that are entered into SGL Carbon's systems to sign the code and our purchasing guideline as part of the contract documents, or to show that they have equivalent compliance standards in place.

Supplier training on environmental and human rights

SGL Carbon is continuously committed to improving its environmental, social and governance standards. We set ourselves ambitious targets for the future and are actively working to achieve them. Together with our business partners, we want to strengthen respect for human rights and the environment in our value chains.

For this reason, we also provide our suppliers with the following training material:

Ensuring Supplier Compliance

In this context we are also committed to our obligations under the UK Modern Slavery Act. Below you will find the declaration of our company, SGL Carbon Fibers Ltd. It is made in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and describes the steps taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our own operations and in the supply chain.

SGL Carbon Fibers Ltd Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023
PDF, 170 KB
UK Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2021
PDF, 516 KB
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Global trade program

SGL Carbon has production sites in numerous countries and delivers products to customers around the world, which is why the avoidance of risks in connection with trade activities and customs regulations is of critical importance. These risks include potential supply problems, fines, criminal activity, and the evasion of taxes, customs duties, and other levies. Through our compliance processes, we aim to ensure that the exchange of goods and technology and the use of services occurs in accordance with the respective internal and external requirements. This principle is laid down in our group-wide global trade policy, as are our procedures for preparing, optimizing, and carrying out all trading activities, for control mechanisms, and for managing and monitoring risks and responsibilities.

Our export managers and export control delegates are responsible for export controls in our legal entities and units. Our compliance program for export control has been working with an SAP-based compliance module and supports the efficient monitoring of export transactions.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or write us.

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